Making or Breaking the Team: Hazing in Sports


    It is estimated that nearly 74% of collegiate student-athletes and 50% of high school student-athletes experience at least one hazing event during their athletic career. This workshop is designed to raise awareness among athletic directors about the underlying causes of hazing in sports, examine the impact of hazing on both the individual athlete and the team, and conclude with effective strategies to reduce the incidents of hazing in schools and communities.

    Dr. Jennifer Waldron serves as the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate and Professional Programs at BGSU and is a professor of kinesiology. As a former high school and collegiate athlete, she is interested in the positive and negative experiences individuals have in sport. Her research on hazing in sport has led to numerous publications. She has led impactful workshops promoting productive team dynamics for high school and college athletes and coaches. Dr. Waldron is the recipient of multiple awards, including the AAHPERD Mabel Lee Award for Young Professionals, the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) Regents Award for Faculty Excellence, and the UNI College of Education Faculty Award for Scholarship.