Presented in-person on your campus or at your conference
This workshop presented by a Hazing Prevention Network facilitator at your campus or facility will interactively engage participants in applying real-time hazing research about the predictors and outcomes of hazing to their campus experiences. They will work together to understand and identify the campus specific motivators for individual, organizational, and community participation in hazing. Guided by the strategies to prevent hazing shared by facilitators, participants will leave the workshop having prioritized strategies they plan to implement.
Target Audience:
Student leaders committed to hazing prevention on campus
(Team captains, Council officers, Organization officers, etc.)
Approx. Length:
3 hours
- Participants will accurately define hazing
- Participants will describe individual, organizational, and community level hazing motivators for hazing.
- Participants will be able to identify three findings from the research
- Participants will identify five strategies they could implement to prevent hazing
- Participants will identify two change management strategies they can employ in their hazing reduction efforts informed by the Hazing Prevention Network Cycle for Change.
- Participants will report confidence in their ability to make change on their campus or organization.
Curriculum developed for Hazing Prevention Network by Emily Perlow, Ph.D., utilizing Piazza Center resource material.
Scheduling now for 2024.
Learn more about this and other hazing prevention programming, contact:
Todd Shelton
Executive Director