Tuesday, February 25, Noon ET
Fraternities and Mental Health: Supporting Emotional Well-Being Among Members and Across Campus
The Jed Foundation (JED), the nation’s leading organization in college mental health and suicide prevention, undertook original research to learn about perceptions and experiences related to mental health. As a result, we developed recommendations for headquarters and campuses on how to support the mental health of their members and students who engage with them. Attendees will learn concrete interventions and recommendations to better support student mental health and prevent suicide, be able to recognize and explain key mental health issues among American fraternity members, and will be able to identify, suggest, and/or implement concrete recommendations for improving the mental health of fraternity members to their organizations and institutions. Featuring Dr. Katie Hurley, LCSW and Dr. Thea Zunick. Co-sponsored by the Timothy J. Piazza Center for Fraternity and Sorority Research and the Hazing Prevention Network.
Wednesday, March 19, Noon ET
Call 911! Developing an Organizational or Campus Amnesty Policy
An Amnesty Policy is intended to promote people calling 911. A policy can exist at the state, campus or organizational level. This webinar in partnership with Penn State’s Piazza Center and Holmes Murphy is intended to help you think through fundamental questions, provide template language, and provide research to help drive the process.
- Lori Hart, Ph.D., Director of Educational Initiatives, Holmes Murphy
- Jackie Stelmaszczyk, Investigator, Manley Burke
- Stevan Veldkamp, Ed.D., Executive Director, Penn State’s Piazza Center
Tuesday, February 18 at 11:00 AM ET:
February Hazing Prevention Coffee Chat
As a follow up to our very popular webinar in January about implementing “research-informed” and “comprehensive” strategies for Hazing Prevention, we invited back Dr. Stevan Veldkamp from Penn State’s Piazza Center along with Dr. Emily Perlow of Worcester Polytechnic Institute to further discuss available resources during the first 15 minutes of our chat. After that, the mic is open for your questions and conversations.
About Coffee Chats:
Let’s kick off the day by chatting with colleagues and friends also dedicated to hazing prevention efforts. The objective of these Coffee Chats is simply to give space for open conversations and a connection to the hazing prevention community to help build relationships with peers and crowdsource solutions to your challenges. We will have a special guest each chat but overall the time is available for your discussions and questions.
These casual Zoom sessions do require registration but will not be recorded. Bring your favorite beverage and please plan to turn on your webcam so we can best engage with you! If you need technical assistance, please contact us.