Upcoming Webinars

Tuesday, January 28 at Noon ET:

How can you effectively implement “research-informed” and “comprehensive” strategies for Hazing Prevention in light of the new Stop Campus Hazing Act?

The Piazza Center has been actively exploring strategies to combat hazing in order to identify the most effective policies and programs. Given that hazing poses a significant risk to the safety and well-being of students and the broader community, it is imperative for college campuses to take the lead in eradicating hazing culture. To establish a robust framework for hazing prevention, our focus will be on three key areas:

  • Recognizing Early Warning Signs
  • Utilizing Comprehensive Data
  • Strengthening Prevention Programs

This dynamic panel will showcase innovative solutions and successful case studies designed to reshape student attitudes and behaviors regarding hazing. Panelists include:

  • Emily Perlow, Ph.D., Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • J. Patrick Biddix, Ph.D., University of Tennessee Knoxville, Piazza Center Research Fellow
  • Pietro Sasso, Ph.D., Delaware State University, Piazza Center Research Fellow
  • Stevan Veldkamp, Ed.D., Penn State University, Piazza Center