Wednesday, March 12, at 1:00 PM ET
Managing Misconduct Proactively and Effectively from Compliance to Technology
Tools to Respond to the Stop Campus Hazing Act and More
(Presented by ASCA & RealResponse)
Misconduct takes many forms – hazing, academic integrity, Title IX, sexual harassment and more. After years of focus and discussion on several areas of misconduct, colleges and universities still struggle to keep up with shifting regulations, sufficient resources, and damaging liabilities. Despite all this, there are bright spots.
The Stop Campus Hazing Act received bipartisan support and was passed into legislation at the end of 2024. Technology tools are available and can help with proactive misconduct prevention, reporting, and effective documentation. Experts and practitioners will discuss these developments, compliance considerations, and technology tools and what they mean for the following:
- Identifying and implementing effective practices for misconduct prevention
- Understanding the Stop Campus Hazing Act and how it aligns with Clery Act requirements
- Navigating a world where every misstep seems like a liability
- Reviewing the utility of RealResponse in supporting compliance, data collection, and reporting
Learning Outcomes
- Learn more information about the Stop Campus Hazing Act
- Receive effective and useful practices for hazing prevention as well as for other forms of misconduct
- Gain insight into the scope and costs of hazing and misconduct liabilities
- Assess new tools that help support anti-hazing law requirements
- Lori Hart, PhD, HolmesMurphy & The Catalyst Agency
- Matt Gregory, PhD, Dean of Students and Vice Provost for Student Life, Texas Tech University
- Aaron Hark, Co-Founder, Maxient
- David Chadwick, Founder and CEO, RealResponse, (Moderator)
For free registration, use code: ASCA-RR2025
Wednesday, March 19, Noon ET
Call 911! Developing an Organizational or Campus Amnesty Policy
An Amnesty Policy is intended to promote people calling 911. A policy can exist at the state, campus or organizational level. This webinar in partnership with Penn State’s Piazza Center and Holmes Murphy is intended to help you think through fundamental questions, provide template language, and provide research to help drive the process.
- Lori Hart, Ph.D., Director of Educational Initiatives, Holmes Murphy
- Jackie Stelmaszczyk, Investigator, Manley Burke
- Stevan Veldkamp, Ed.D., Executive Director, Penn State’s Piazza Center
To be announced.
About Coffee Chats:
Let’s kick off the day by chatting with colleagues and friends also dedicated to hazing prevention efforts. The objective of these Coffee Chats is simply to give space for open conversations and a connection to the hazing prevention community to help build relationships with peers and crowdsource solutions to your challenges. We will have a special guest each chat but overall the time is available for your discussions and questions.
These casual Zoom sessions do require registration but will not be recorded. Bring your favorite beverage and please plan to turn on your webcam so we can best engage with you! If you need technical assistance, please contact us.